The results are in for the first group of Primal Leapers who went through the program at the Studio in Danville California. Han Chang was one of those who took on the challenge for 30 days.
"I was a skeptic when I first attended Mark Sisson's seminar at The Studio in Danville. It just sounded too easy and too good to be true: eat a lot of the things I like, limit cardio and intensive workouts, and STILL lose weight? After discussing it with my wife, (who dragged me to the seminar like a good Grokette), I figured what I'd been doing ain't working, so I might as well try something new".
"I started Primal Leap weighing 193 lbs with 27.5% fat (according to my handy bathroom scale). After 28 days, I was at 185.2 lbs and just under 25% fat, which is just under 7 lbs of fat loss, and I've dropped a pant size. This is the lightest I've been in almost five years. More importantly, my energy levels have gone way up, which is incredibly helpful at work. During a typical week, I do 1 hour of yoga twice a week, and 1 hour of spin once a week. Surprisingly, I haven't missed carbs and grains (although I still sneak a gourmet cupcake once a week). The Primal lifestyle really is as easy as it sounds".
Han Chang
Click on the title link to learn more about The Primal Leap Program.
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