Tony DeBoom Checks In:
So it's Sunday morning. Yesterday was a looong day. We figure we ran somewhere around 30+ miles yesterday so the DeBoom Crew is a whipped as Tim. All in all, Tim had a great race. Tactically, a couple errors were made. The rest of the lead pack of cyclists left it up to the former champ to control and lead the bikeride. Great move by Macca and Crowie, but Tim probably burned a couple of matches early on that would hurt him later. Second, in the first 10 miles of the run, Tim took over 10 minutes out of Sinballe and for the next 15 miles Tim couldn't close a 20 second gap. Torbjorn ran a very even paced run and Tim, going for the win, realized that he couldn't let Macca and Crowie go at the beginning and went through 5km at a little over 16 min and the half around 1:16 - that's damn fast on a fresh day. But, running that fast early, left everyone suffering on the Queen K. Tim still ran strong at 2:48, but I think he would have been faster had he run more evenly and not gone full tilt from the start. Hats off to Macca and Crowie and Sinballe - great races by all three - it was a very tactical race and everyone played their card. Tim's plan was to race more in a reaction mode - see what the day dealt out and race accordingly, and that's what he did. Last night the family and sponsors gathered at the Red Bull House and Tim came over and we all laughed alot and talked about the day. We planned on heading down to the finishline at midnight, but we all woke up around the pool at the house a little after midnight and realized we missed it. Tim actually felt pretty good physically - sore hip flexors, a nasty gash on his arm from some zipties in T1 and the usual stiffness. But, the fact he was walking around and eating and laughing, and wasn't curled up on the floor puking, meant he was doing well.
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