Monday, January 14, 2008

Recovox Athlete - Rebecca Preston Checks In

By: Rebecca Preston

Wow, I can’t believe it’s 2008 already!

2007 was my third year racing Ironmans. While I got off to a shaky start, struggling with injuries for the first 5 months of the year, 2007 was my most successful season yet! I managed to finish 4th place at IM Malaysia, despite entering the race with limited training. I won IM Switzerland for the second year in a row, with only three weeks of running in my legs (after recovering from a stress fracture). Then two weeks later, I managed a 3rd place at IM Austria. Unfortunately, my limited run training prevented me from repeating my double victory of 2006, however I was ecstatic to be back racing, and it felt like a win to me.

I also won Ironman Antwerp 70.3 in August, giving me great confidence leading into Hawaii. While my race in Kona was full of ups and downs, I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d come 5th.

Since Hawaii, I’ve returned home to the Sunshine Coast, in Queensland, Australia. After spending 8 months away this year, it’s been great to come back home and spend time with my family.

I’m looking forward to having a great season this year. I’ll be taking a different approach to racing which will see me race fewer Ironmans. Even though I love racing the Ironman distance (especially the Switzerland-Austria double!!!), the bulk of my season will consist of 70.3 races or shorter, which will hopefully see me toe the line in Kona fresher, physically and mentally. However, first up will be Ironman Malaysia. It will be my third time racing in Langkawi, so I know what to expect…..HOT WEATHER. I’ll let you know how it goes.

See ya Beck

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