Monday, January 14, 2008

Cameron Brown - Another Week, Another Race!

Hi there,

Well, I decided to have another hit out before I knuckle down into the final 8 weeks of training in preparation for Ironman New Zealand. The race was in my second home away from home at our holiday beach in the beautiful beach resort of Whangamata. The surf rolled in race morning and we had a good 1.5 meter swell to contend with during the 2km swim! It was meant to be the usual 1.5 km swim but the race directors didn't realize that the top elite athletes were finding it a very tough swim. Dylan Mcneice was 1st out in just under 26minutes!! I was having a shocker in the surf coming out 3minutes down on the leaders!!

Out onto the bike course I wasn't making too much time up on Stephen Sheldrake. He was riding well and putting time into me. I came off the bike in 3rd place and would need a solid run to make up the time lost in the swim and bike, my legs were still feeling the effects of only doing a half Ironman 7 days ago. The first few km's on the run were challenging. I haven't done too many short distance races over the years so the heart rate was at new highs early into the run leg. I was caught by Tama Christensen and Callum Millward and we then picked up Graham Ogrady on the 2nd lap of the run. I pushed clear at the 8km mark to finish 2nd in one of my best 10km run times in 10 years!! 32:59mins (I'm still getting faster!)

You'll hear from me soon.

Kind Regards,
Cameron Brown

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