Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Macca checks In From Kona

I have been here in Kona for 2 weeks now and it is only 1 week until the race. I spend so much time here it feels like my home away from home. Everyone is in town now and I have been getting some good training done. I feel really good after coming down from Altitude 17 days ago. The weather is not really that hot at the moment but it has been really windy out on the bike course. I have done some solid motor pace sessions out on the Queen K and the cross winds have been tough coming back from Waiakoloa. Hopefully the wind stays around this year and it is really tough on the bike course. I enjoy these conditions and my bike has really felt responsive in the undualting climbs with the cross winds from about 30 miles out of town.

There are so many Australians here this year which is wonderful. My good Mate Gary Shields who lives here on the Island has been giving me a lot of massage work so my legs are in great condition for the race. My dad arrives here tomorrow as does my good mate Mick Gilliam who is coming to watch this years race. It will be great to see them as I have been away from hom this year for 6 months already. Anyway I thought I better do a quick post. I will write again in a few days but thought I better post something for all the people who have sent me emails asking what I have been up to. Tomorrow evening I am meeting with Laurent Jalabert the Tour De France legend which will be awesome. He contacted me through a freind and asked to have dinner with me which was a real buzz. I will get some photos and send some news in a couple of days.

Hope all is well. Macca

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