Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cam Brown Checks In From Waimea

Hi there,

Well we are into the last week and the count down is on. The last 3 weeks I have based myself in Waimea with my family, about 70kms from Kona. Waimea is just like New Zealand, windy, wet and green-ish! We have been staying on a farm a few km's from Waimea, so each of my runs and rides starts with a bumpy trip down our 700m gravel road which is in dire need of a bulldoze and a few truck loads of gravel! Being at 3000 feet above sea level you get the odd still day, but most runs and rides I have been blown about the road and come back covered in lava dust and grit.

Tomorrow we move down to Kona for the last few days of preparation and training on the course. This year I will be using my SRM power meter on my bike so you will be able to see live power readings on the site along with Faris Al-Sultan and Luke Bell during the race. Also will be showing live audio, video feeds the entire day from 6am Hawaii time (race day starts at 6:45am for the professionals, Saturday 13th of October).

Look forward to catching up with you all soon

Regards Cameron Brown

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