Friday, March 18, 2011

Brad Kearns Seminar At the Studio In Danville, CA April 28th

Brad Kearns will come to the Studio in Danville California to discuss weight loss for endurance athletes and devoted fitness enthusiasts. Despite impressive weekly workout volumes and careful attention to healthy eating and portion control, many active folks struggle to achieve and maintain ideal body composition. Burnout is a related challenge, as folks with busy modern lives attempt to balance life responsibilities with a stressful training schedule.

Brad will discuss principles of the Primal Blueprint , the sensational new diet, exercise and lifestyle program that he has worked with fitness expert Mark Sisson on for the past three years. The Primal Blueprint reached the #1 ranking on Health&Fitness category in March of 2010 and is enjoying strong global popularity. Brad will discuss dietary and training modifications that you can make to immediately begin dropping excess body fat, without having to resort to deprivation, obsessive portion control, or exhaustive exercise so common with mainstream programs. The Primal approach is about moderating insulin production and balancing exercise stress to naturally stimulate optimal fat metabolism around the clock and avoid the fatigue/burnout/sugar craving cycle that many serious exercisers are stuck in.

Brad is a former national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete and noted author, motivational speaker and coach. Brad is the producer of the Auburn Triathlon every May in Auburn, CA. He has written nine books about athletics, peak performance, and health, including a recent 30-day comprehensive weight loss program called the Primal Leap that he will introduce at the lecture.

Cost: Free

Time/Date: April 28th 6:30 PM

Place: the Studio (Danville, CA)

Very limited space. RSVP to

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