Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lance Armstrong ISPA Athlete Of The Decade

The International Sports Professionals Association (ISPA) announced today that it has named Lance Armstrong as its Athlete of the Decade. Although Armstrong would have been named regardless of Tiger Woods’ recent problems, Woods’ fidelity issues pushed him out of consideration.

“It was a fairly close race prior to the revelations that arose about Mr. Woods, but Mr. Armstrong was still our organization’s pick. When the stories broke about Tiger Woods’ infidelity and now the suspicion of his use of performance enhancing drugs that didn’t even make it close. Lance Armstrong is our pick for athlete of the decade.” Said Justin Mayer, Executive Director of ISPA.

“Our international organization’s mission is to assist in the safe and healthy participation in sports at all levels by credentialing those professionals who service sports and athletes. To accomplish this, our professionals uphold the highest standards and adhere to a code of ethics. Tiger Woods’ behavior took him out of the running for Athlete of the Decade.” Added Dr. John Mayer, President of ISPA.

The International Sports Professionals Association (ISPA) is the world’s largest credentialing service for professionals in sports. The ISPA sets standards for its membership by providing professional services to the sports world spanning children’s sports to professional athletes. The ISPA includes a wide variety of professional occupations from coaches, sport psychologists, physicians, accountants, agents, physical therapists, chiropractors, nutritionists, sport physiologists, trainers, and more. ISPA designates that member professionals adhere to a strict code of ethics and have met the highest standards in their fields to provide professional services to athletes and to sports. ISPA maintains a National Register of sports professionals; professionals listed in the register are the top professionals serving all domestic sports at all levels.

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