Monday, November 3, 2008

Recovox Athlete - Rosetta Takes On Lance!

I never thought I would get the opportunity to be in the same race with Lance Armstrong but that is where I found myself this past weekend at the Tour de Gruene ITT and TTT.

Although I was no where near Lance's time for the ITT I did manage to finish 2nd in my Age Group. Like everybody else I wanted to finish as fast as I could just so I could see Lance race. A quick pre-race aero tip from Steve Hed really helped shave some minutes off my time.

On Sunday during the Team Time Trial my team mate Abel Gonzales and I were able to take 8th place in our Age Group. We had a good race but the effort from Saturdays race came back to haunt us during the 13% hill halfway through the course!

Overall it was a great weekend!

For more on Vince check out his site @

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