Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Recovox Athlete - Bjorn Andersson Checks In

After a good 2 month break from training back home in Sweden after Clearwater 70.3 in November I’m now easing back into training in Taupo New Zealand. Taupo is the host of Ironman New Zealand and is a great place for training as well. The only problem if you are from Sweden is that it’s pretty much as far away as you can travel by air. It took me a good 40h from when I stepped on the first flight in Sweden until I stepped off the last one here in Taupo.

I was picked up at the airport by fellow pro triathlete Bryan Rhodes who proceeded to convince me of going for a short spin around town right away too loosen up the legs. I started getting suspicious when we began heading out onto the Ironman bike course and it turned out that Bryan tricked me into doing a lap around the course which was hardly the easy spin I expected. Anyway I’ve now been here a week and I’m slowly but surely improving my fitness for the 2008 season.

I plan to be here about 6 weeks for training and that includes a 2w training camp that Bryan and I are hosting that started this week. We have a good group of people with a couple of athletes flying in all the way from the UK just for the camp. So far we’ve had a couple of good days of training including riding around lake Taupo today which is a 160km ride with quite a bit of climbing. It’s one of the more scenic rides I’ve done and the conditions were great and everyone seemed to have a good time. For me this camp and the rest of my stay in NZ will be aimed at getting in shape again and build a solid foundation for the first half of the season.

As for my race schedule this year the plan is to start off with California 70.3 and then Wildflower before hopefully doing a few 70.3 races in Europe at the beginning of the summer. After that I’m not really sure but I’m planning on doing quite a bit of racing in the US the rest of the year if everything works out as I want.



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