Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Macca: Off To Vegas - Mayweather versus Hatten

By: Chris McCormack

Well, I am packed up here in the USA and will be heading back to Australia for Christmas. I am really looking forward to it. I have been flat out here in the USA for the last few weeks. I have been on the road and getting everything planned and sorted for next season.

I just spent 1 week in Los Angeles shooting a new Television Commercial for Under Armour. It was a lot of fun and we spent a couple of days on set shooting with all the Under Armour athletes. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed ourselves. It never stops amazing me how incredible this company is. They are so motivated and great to work with, and all the athletes they have on board are a great crew of guys and girls. I am really honoured to be working with UA. They are really cool, innovative and modern.

Emma and the kids flew home last week and have been home for a little over 1 week now. This week I got a phone call from my mate Rob Oseland from the Wynn Casino in Las Vegas. Emma, the kids and I spent 1 week there with Rob, Irene, Danny and the crew a couple of weeks ago which was amazing. We were in Vegas doing the Silverman event and had an absolutely incredible time. Rob mentioned that he might be able to chase some tickets to the super fight in Las Vegas this weekend between Floyd Mayweather and Ricky Hatton. I am a huge fight fan, and said if he could snag some tickets to the sold out event, we would come for sure. Well, three days ago I got a call from Rob and he has tickets to the super fight. Not only tickets but some of the best tickets in the house and we get to go to all the weigh in functions, the press conference and after fight functions.

Emma jumped on a plane last night and will be meeting me in Los Angeles tomorrow and we will fly back out to Las Vegas for a 6 day holiday, culminating in a night at the fights. It will be lovely hanging out together in Vegas again and doing all the shows and relaxing before the fight, and Rob and the Team at the Wynn Casino really treat Emma and I so well. We absolutely love it. Tahlia and Sienna will be staying with nanny and poppy so this will be the first time Emma and I have had a few nights away together since Tahlia was born in 2004. We are really excited, and catching up with friends again in Vegas will be awesome.

From Vegas I will head to Germany and Emma will be going back to Sydney. I will be home on the 15th December and am really looking forward to it. I can’t wait to see my dad and my friends at home and getting back into some solid training in Sydney. I enjoy this time of year in Australia. I am only home for 1 month before flying back to South America for a race in Pucon and then up to USA to do a camp in Palm Springs and some training in Santa Barbara.

Anyway I apologise for my website being down over the past 3 weeks. We are setting up a new Company called MaccaNow that will be aimed at helping athletes with their training and racing requirements, camps and in particular a junior development program. Stay tuned to what we are doing because the demand has been huge and the interest from sponsors and outside investors to our vision has been remarkable.

I would like to thank all those people who have emailed and offered their help and support. It is greatly appreciated. The new site required us to drop my personal site down for a bit to add some behind the scenes work here that will link to our new site. Macca Now stands for – Macca - No Opportunity Wasted, which will be the foundation for the entire vision of the company. To seize every opportunity and make now matter. It will be sensational.

Anyway stay tuned as we will launch in April but we have a lot of logistics and information that we will post on my personal site over the next few months.

Stay safe everyone,

Please visit Chris' website at

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