Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bjorn Andersson Checks In......

The 70.3 World Championships in Clearwater marked the end of the 2007 season for me. After some inconsistent training and racing previously this year I did some pretty good training for this race in September and October so I felt as prepared as I could have been and was excited to race.

I got a good start and was swimming in 2nd for the first couple of hundred meters until I got bunched in a bit and sat at the end of the first group for the reminder of it. Unfortunately I have a tendency to get sea sick when I swim in open water and after finishing the swim I was pretty dizzy and had a slow transition and consequently missed the first pack out on the bike.

There were a bit more than 10 guys in this group and when realizing how hard they were to catch and drop I made the decision to just focus on the bike prime at mile 31 since I would have no shot at making money by racing for the overall with this scenario as at best with my training I figured I could run a 1:16 half marathon while I knew that the others in this pack would be able to run a 1:11. I have no idea how clean this group rode the whole way but considering that the drafting zone is 10m I guess they should have been spread out over about 100m at this point at least. That wasn’t the case when I rode up to them though and that made it really hard to get away. To give you an idea I sat behind the group for about 30 seconds before I tried to pass and it took 150-200 more watts to ride a similar pace alone. Anyway I rode with David Thompson and Terenzo Bozzone for a while off the front before I surged away to make sure I got the prime. Those surges above threshold killed me though and the last 20 miles on the bike was a struggle though I managed to get a lead of just under 3min out on the run.

There’s not much to say about the run really as I just made sure to finish the last race of the season. Riding the way I did I knew I wouldn’t be able to actually race it on the run as well. I’m pretty happy with the season overall though and like to thank Cervelo, R&A Cycles, HED Cycling, Ergomo, Fuelbelt, Blue Seventy, Spiuk, Oakley, InfinIT and FIT Multipsorts for the great support during the year. I am already looking forward to and planning the 2008 season!


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