Sunday, April 22, 2007

Voigt talks Amstel tactics

"Put me on the start line, point me towards the finish and I go!" said CSC’s Jens Voigt prior to the start of the Amstel Gold Classic on Sunday. Munching a carbo energy bar prior to the start in Maastricht’s markt area, he said that he would be taking an aggressive approach during the race.

"I have some freedom. We have the guys to work, Frank [Schleck] and Karsten [Kroon] for the final and then I am kind of in-between. There is always a decision: you see a group going and you say ‘mmm, this could be good." Then you go. It could be with 200 kilometres to go, or 40 to go. You can’t really plan it. I need to follow my nose. Of course, you need to have the right legs, too."

Voigt was as good as his word, going clear with Steffen Wesemann (Wiesenhoff) and Daniele Righi (Lampre-Fondital) prior to the Wolfsberg climb, catching an earlier break and then pressing on ahead. They were finally reeled in by a chase group after the Gulperberg, with less than thirty kilometres remaining. However, it goes without saying that the German will soon be on the attack again.

When asked if he is planning to target a specific race before the Tour, he played down such thoughts. "I will go for everything. I want to win as much as possible!

"As regards this race [Amstel Gold] versus Liege…I think that perhaps Liege suits me a little better," he said, speaking about the race he was second in two years ago. "It is less nervous, the climbs are different and I think it suits me a little better."

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