Thursday, January 20, 2011

Primal Accelerated Success Seminar (PASS) Launches in 2011!

By: Mark Sisson

I started Mark’s Daily Apple in an attempt to get the word out about the Primal lifestyle and to help as many people as possible. And while the blog traffic grew and grew each month and I was able to connect with thousands of people via email, the forum and the comment boards something was missing: one-on-one, in-person interaction. I wanted to meet you guys and gals, and as I came to understand, you me. So, in 2010 my team and I put on the inaugural PrimalCon – a 3-day, total-immersion experience of expert-guided workouts, play, leisure, classroom education, camaraderie, and of course, extraordinary Primal feasts. It was a blast, and while I plan to continue to organize and put on these annual events (PrimalCon II is coming up this April!) there is still something missing. More PrimalCon! Realistically (and unfortunately), PrimalCon can’t be a weekly, or even monthly occurrence. And not everyone can take three or more days off, trek all the way to California, or afford the expense of such an event. Long story short, I’m coming to you in 2011 with PASS – the Primal Accelerated Success Seminar. I’m hitting the road this year, making appearances at gyms and other facilities across the USA (and maybe beyond). And to take this one step further, since I’m only one guy and can only be in so many places at once (one to be precise), Brad Kearns (editor/writing partner for The Primal Blueprint, The Primal Leap, the 2011-release book called Reconnect, and co-developer of this seminar program) and other Master Presenters will be hitting the road, too; changing lives one 7-hour, interactive presentation at a time. Our goal is to meet and connect with thousands of people this year, to share the Primal Blueprint message across this country, and to give you the tools, knowledge and inspiration you need to get and stay healthy for the rest of your life. I hope to see you there.

What is PASS?

In brief, the Primal Accelerated Success Seminar (PASS) is an entertaining and interactive 7-hour course that will immerse you in the popular Primal lifestyle movement and best-selling book, The Primal Blueprint. By the end of your PASS experience, you’ll have a clear understanding of the key Primal Blueprint concepts, and will have developed a specific plan of action to “get Primal” over the ensuing 30 days and beyond.

What will I learn at PASS?

* You’ll learn what hundreds of other Primal enthusiasts have done to lose weight, build muscle and overcome illness; strategies it sometimes takes weeks or months for other people to fully understand and use.

* You’ll receive a detailed scientific explanation and practical discussion of the how’s and why’s of Primal living, and how they contrast sharply with Conventional Wisdom about diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits.

* You’ll learn which foods to avoid and which to eat for peak performance, stable energy levels, lifelong weight management, and protection against common lifestyle-related diseases.

* You’ll learn how to restructure your workouts away from a chronic approach to model the Primal Blueprint Fitness principles – achieving lifelong functional fitness.

* You’ll engage in a hands-on demonstration/fitness evaluation involving the Five Essential Movements – a simple, safe, total-body workout program for all fitness levels.

* You’ll develop a step-by-step action plan to transition to a Primal-lifestyle over the next 30 days.

* You’ll commit to a 14-day test period of Primal eating and evaluate the impact on your energy level, appetite, immune function, body composition, and overall sense of health and well-being.

* You’ll develop a customized plan to optimize your sun exposure, sleep habits, play time, and more.

Will I leave PASS with a guidebook or support material?

Yes. In addition to access to the full-day event PASS attendees will receive:

* PASS Binder: 140-page notebook with weekly action items and journal exercises to help focus your Primal goals over the ensuing 30 days

* How to Forage in the Modern World – Convenient 60-page guidebook with lists and strategies to shop and cook Primally

* $20 Gift Certificate for Primal Blueprint products

How much does PASS cost?

The seminar fee is $149. Register with a significant other and get $20 off. Groups of ten or more enjoy additional discounts. Email for details.

I want to learn more about PASS. Is there a full-day agenda available?

There sure is.

What’s the “Accelerated” bit about? Is this one of those “30-day, lose weight fast” programs? I thought living Primal was about lifelong health and wellness.

I’m confident that anyone that “goes Primal” will see success in the long term. How quickly one can get all their ducks in a row is another matter. PASS provides solutions and hacks to common beginner stumbling blocks and challenges so you never have to experience them in the first place. Transitioning away from the Standard American Diet and breaking through flawed conventional is no easy task for many people. PASS streamlines the process.

When and where is the first PASS?

The first PASS will be held at Karma CrossFit in Manhattan Beach, CA on February 12. It’s just a short cab ride from LAX and accessible to everyone in the greater Los Angeles area.

Who can come to a PASS? Is this only for trainers?

Everyone is welcome. And that means everyone. This isn’t just for trainers or hardcore Grokkers. This isn’t just for the already fit among you. Bring your mom and your grandfather. Bring you spouse and your co-worker. Newcomers and advanced alike will find plenty to take away from PASS.

When will PASS be coming to my hometown?

I’m lining up dates and locations now. Keep an eye on this page for updates. Also, I’ll be adding a module to the sidebar of Mark’s Daily Apple that will provide key event information. Stay tuned.

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