Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tim DeBoom - Lost in Paradise

By Tim DeBoom

Thought it might be time for a little update from the Big Island.

I made it over safe and sound this past week. Pretty uneventful travel except for the airline charges for my bike. I still will never get used to that. When I’m done racing professionally, it’s folding bike time all the time!

My flight was nice and empty though, so I was able to spread out and relax. I guess coming over so early has it’s benefits. I usually leave Colorado about 3 weeks before the race and head to California or Arizona. This year I decided to save a day of travel and just do my entire taper over here.

My training went well back in Boulder. I had a good build-up to the final big 3 weeks of work. Hard to compare it to years past, but I’m excited to see where the fitness is come race day.

That’s the real beauty of this sport, or any sport really. The challenge of getting yourself into the best position possible to go out and have a great day is why I’m still coming back here.

Now I’m actually in the toughest part of the build. Tapering. In Hawaii. Believe me, it’s the least glorious aspect of anything we do. Each day I get up, get my training done, and sit on my butt the rest of the time. It’s not flashy, exciting, or very fun. I love exploring and being active all day, but that would not do me any good right now. I’m maximizing my rest, and recovery from all the hard training. I’m finding it hard to sleep any more, hydrate any more, or eat any healthier.

Nicole gets over this week, so that will be great. Till then we’ve been having fun with video chats.

My massage therapist also comes this week, so that will supplement all my time in the Normatec MVP’s (which are amazing by the way).

As the race gets closer, the town becomes more active, so that will be a good thing too. I even talked with a local who loves it when the Ironman comes to town. She said it gives the town such great energy. Believe me, that’s not how some of the locals feel.

With all my down time, you’d think I would write more often…I will try to pull myself away from the tv.

Click on the title link to read Tim's blog.

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