Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back to LA for a Couple of Weeks

The training block we got done in Hawaii was awesome. Terenzo Bozzone will be a big player in the Ironman for sure. If not this year I expect Terenzo to really push for the win at this event in the near future. He is an awesome training partner and a very disciplined, yet open, athlete. I enjoyed training with him a lot, and he added a lot to myself with his raw speed and his fleet footed running. When we planned on going to Kona we were looking for some great athletes to work with. Whenever you are on training camp, the most important thing is that the athletes you work with, need to gel very well. Tired athletes can get quite grumpy, so personality clashes can often get magnified.

Tim Marr and Terenzo were a perfect mix. We had a lot of laughs, and got the hard work done, and the best thing was that we all fed of eachothers enthusiasm and that is always a big positive. I really look forward to the event in Kona and racing alongside Terenzo. I really wish him all the best. He is a super talent and a nice guy aswell. Tim is not racing this year but will be pushing for the win at Ironman Mexico a few weeks later.

I flew out of Kona 6 days ago to come back into the dry heat of LA. My family joined me here and we will spend the next two weeks together. We are in the process of buying a Condo here in LA so it is perfect timing as it is up to Emma which house she likes. We have cut it down to two final choices and hope to settle on this purchase post Hawaii. We will be spending Christmas and most of the early New Year up here in LA. We really love it here, especially in Santa Monica and Calabasas. We have such wonderful friends here and this has certainly become my home away from home. I am a big fan of LA. I really feel right at home here. The Tri Scene here is huge, the weather is perfect and the training is unreal. It has everything I am looking for in a place to live in the USA. Our close group of friends here make it very nice also, and its close proximity to our good friends in Las Vegas makes weekend trips away very easy to do.

On the training front, this week has been relatively light. I raced the Malibu Triathlon again last weekend and had a great day. I very much enjoy this event and have to commend Michael Eppstein and his Team at MESP for continuing to put on a first class race. I have raced Malibu the past 5 years and will continue to support all MESP events. The race is more than just a competition. It is where Hollywood meets Multisport and more importantly it is about raising money and awareness for the Childrens Hospital here in LA. It is an incredible event on one of the Worlds most famous beaches.

This year the event raised in excess of 1 million dollars for the hospital, and to be a part of that is just awesome. This truly is a unique event and more than 3000 athletes enjoyed the event on Sunday. Well done to everyone who competed and raced and thanks for all the smiles and wellwishes from many of you. It was great to hear your stories. I have attached a picture of myself with Jeremy Piven from the race. I had the opportunity to spend some time with Jeremy and talk everything from Triathlon to Entourage the HBO hit, of which he plays my favourite character ARI GOLD. He was a great open guy and someone I will stay in touch with for quite some time. Having guys like Jeremy enjoying everything that we know is awesome about our sport is great for the sport itself. He had a great time, as did Terry Hatcher, and the other A list stars who raced the event. It was great to chat to many of them.

Anyway I have 8 more days of training here with the Suisse Boys. There is a big crew of suisse Triathletes living in town here and we have planned a big training week next week. I am working out with Ronnie and Stefan. Ronnie was 4th last year in Kona so he is solid as hell. We are getting the tough stuff done and having a few laughs on the way. I am thoroughly enjoying my training at the moment and cannot wait to get back to Kona and enjoy the Ironman World championships for 2009. It is going to be one epic day.

I will write again in a day or so. Check out my twitter site for lots of updates. We have uploaded some funny stuff.
Safe training everyone,

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