Friday, August 14, 2009

Carmichael's Nutrition Plan For Leadville

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my fueling strategy for the Leadville 100, so I’ve decided to post it here. In the list below, the foods and bottles listed for each stop are what I will pick up and consume between that feed zone and the next. In other words, at the start I will be carrying 2 GUs, a bottle of water, and a bottle of GU Electrolyte Brew. I will consume all of that by the time I reach Feed Zone 1, at which point I’ll pick up 2 bottles of water, a bottle of GU Electrolyte Brew, 2 GU Roctane gels, and a Snickers bar. All of that will be consumed before I reach Feed Zone 2, and so on.

It’s important to realize that while I have this plan, there’s a very good chance I will deviate from it during the race. While in competition, you have to listen to your body and understand how to adjust accordingly. If I feel like I need more sodium, for instance, I may take more bottles of Electrolyte Brew because each bottle delivers 450 milligrams of sodium. Or I may decide that I don’t have a taste for Snickers that day and instead I want a granola bar or more packages of GU Chomps. The important thing is to keep eating and drinking consistently in order to deliver a constant flow of energy, fluids, and electrolytes to working muscles.

My 2009 Leadville nutrition plan is a little different than it was in 2008, mainly because my caloric intake last year wasn’t quite sufficient. I finished in 8:45:56, got my big belt buckle, and set a new best time by more than 20 minutes, but I was clearly fading in the final 10 miles. I attribute that to running a little low on fuel – not enough to fully bonk, but enough to feel like I was running on empty. So this year, my nutrition plan is about 400 calories more robust than last year.

At the Start (300 calories)
• 2 GUs (200 calories)
• 1 water
• 1 bottle of GU Electrolyte Brew (100 calories)

The Way Out
Feed Zone 1 (550 calories)
• 2 waters, 1 GU Electrolyte Brew (3 total bottles) (100 calories)
• 1 snickers bar (250 calories)
• 2 GU Roctane (200 calories)

Feed Zone 2 (450 calories)
• 2 waters, 1 GU Electrolyte Brew (3 total bottles) (100 calories)
• 1 snickers bar (250 calories)
• 1 GU Roctane (100 calories)

The Way Back
Feed Zone 3 (550 calories)
• 2 waters, 1 GU Electrolyte Brew (3 total bottles) (100 calories)
• 1 snickers bar (250 calories)
• 2 GU Roctane (200 calories)

Feed Zone 4 (550 calories)
• 2 waters, 1 GU Electrolyte Brew (3 total bottles) (100 calories)
• 1 snickers bar (250 calories)
• 2 GU Roctane (200 calories)

Total Calories consumed: 2400
Predicted Calories expended: 5300 (8:45 pace)
Stored Glycogen: 2500 calories
Blood Glucose: 1000 calories
Positive Calories: 600

I will also have 1 GU and 1 package of GU Chomps in my pocket at the start for emergency needs

Chris Carmichael


  1. "you have to listen to your body and understand how to adjust accordingly. If I feel like I need more sodium, for instance"

    What are the signs that you need more sodium?

  2. Cramping, body stops producing sweat, stomach gets bloated are a few.....
