Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lululemon "Rocks" Xterra Oakland Hills

I had the pleasure to take part in one of the best races I have raced in a long time. Having spent the last 26 years racing and watching triathlons grow I have missed that "old school" feeling when you race.

Today I took part in the Oakland Hills Xterra trail race series and it was one of best races I have raced in years. Its great to see athletes who are racing their first race, and the grass roots feeling that many triathlons lack now.

Team Lemon was out in full force. Its great to see a company with so many of its employees coming out and supporting local events. I ran in their Run:Response Short and it was by far the best pair of shorts I have run in. its been years since I've worn shorts to run in since I'm always running in tri-shorts, but my friend suggested I try them out and I'm glad she did since they were much more comfortable than wearing tri-gear. Lululemon is coming to Walnut Creek. If you live in the area be sure to check them out. All the garments I have tried have really impressed me, and the folks I've meet from their company are truly great ambassadors to their products and community.

Click on the title link to check out the shorts.

"Check out the team lemon video from our Xterra race today -"

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