Monday, April 20, 2009

Boston Marathon - Goucher takes home 3rd

In one of the most dramatic Boston Marathon finishes, Salina Kosgei (KEN) and Dire Tune (ETH) ran side-by-side nearly all the way to the finish line on Boyleston St. With a mere second separating them, Kosgei edged out Tune for the win, with Tune collapsing immediately upon crossing the line. American Kara Goucher held on for third place, and was overcome by emotion once she crossed the line. Just 9 seconds from first place, Goucher's goal today was to win.

In the men's race, Deriba Merga (ETH), had a slightly more comfortable cushion than the ladies, as he crossed the line first at 2:08:42. Daniel Rono (KEN) finished second in 2:09:32 and American Ryan Hall took third in 2:09:40.

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