Thursday, November 27, 2008

Astana Training Camp Starts Sunday

Before Lance heads off to the Astana camp he is in Nice France training. He found snow above Nice on his ride today and took time to take a quick photo of himself and Ryszard, his Polish soigneur.

Seven-time Tour de France champion Armstrong, who announced his comeback to cycling after a three-year hiatus earlier this year, and Contador, who has won all three of the sport's three-week grand tours, will take part in the November 30 to December 8 session on the island of Tenerife.

Contador, 25, had hinted that he might quit Astana following the signing of Armstrong, 37, but later said he had been given assurances that he would remain team leader.

The Spaniard underwent an operation on Monday to repair an injury to his nasal partition, and has said he hoped to be fit to race in the Vuelta in Valencia in Spain in February.

Armstrong has said he will compete in the Giro d’Italia next year, but has yet to confirm whether he will race in the Tour de France.

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