Monday, March 10, 2008

World Champion Tim DeBoom Returns to Auburn

Tim is a two-time Hawaii Ironman world champion and the undisputed greatest American triathlete of the past decade. Formerly a top contender at Olympic distance, DeBoom turned his attention to the ironman distance and methodically worked his way up the ranks to become the dominant force in the world. Check out this chronological progression of Hawaii Ironman finishes up to 2002: 10th, 21st, 11th, 10th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 1st!

Known for his focused preparation, Tim races infrequently and is extremely difficult to beat whenever he steps on the starting line. His back to back victories in Hawaii in 2001 and 2002 established Tim as one of the all-time triathlon greats. In particular, his victory in the October 2001 Hawaii Ironman was the first international sporting event after the 9/11 tragedies. Over 30,000 spectators in Hawaii witness this emotional and uniting sporting effort, the first American victory in 6 years at the most pretigious race in triathlon.

Tim's fourth place finish at the 2007 Hawaii Ironman represented a remarkable comeback to the top echelon of the sport after numerous setbacks following his two victories, including dental surgery, a broken elbow, kidney stones, and injury-related DNF's. Just when the yoo haws were writing Tim off as a top contender, he delivered a brilliant 8:22 in Kona for fourth overall and first American.

Tim will be in Auburn race weekend as a special race guest and supporter of Running School kids fitness charity. Take the chance to meet one of these great legends of the sport and perhaps get him to sign one of his wife Nicole's SkirtSports original fitness skirt - it's revolutionizing fitness fashion - a great gift idea.

2004 - World's Toughest Half Champion
2x Hawaii Ironman Champion (2000, 2001)
2x Hawaii Ironman Champion (2000, 2001)

Click on title link to register for any of the races.

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