Saturday, February 9, 2008

Team CSC Hard at Work in California

At the moment Team CSC is working hard at the traditional yearly training camp in California to get the riders in the best possible shape for the spring season, which is approaching rapidly.

"It looks like the entire team is in pretty fair shape. We've had a good camp so far with lots of training – tough training that is," comments Jens Voigt.

During the winter his wife gave birth to another baby, but it's not the first time by far so it hasn't had any influence on his preparations for the new season:

"I think I've gotten through the winter break ok. I'm looking forward to doing Tour of California – this race means a lot to all of us it being this close to our American sponsor's head offices. I hope to do my bit to land us another victory again this year. Last year we won three stages in this race and it would be fantastic to make a repeat performance in 2008," says Voigt.

The Californian training camp runs from January 31 to February 15 and after that some of the riders move on to Tour of California, which begins on February 17, while the rest of the team travels to Europe, where Trofeo Laigueglia takes place in Italy on February 23 and the day after it's Tour du Haut Var in France followed by Het Volk in Belgium on March 1.

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