Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dave Zabriskie Checks In From Training Camp

Well, I missed the premier of Rambo on Jan.25. I am in still in Silver City New Mexico. I have been here for a very long time it seems. People keep chanting in slow voices "This is the worllllllldsssss lonnnnnngest training camp.” Maybe it hasn't been that long -- I think everyone is just ready to leave and we will be in a less than 24 hrs. The camp went well. People came here in very good shape and are leaving even better.

I am flying to the Bahamas on thursday for the tour of the Bahamas. It should be a good change of pace compared to the speed of life here at the Holiday Inn. There is only one truly funny moment that stands out from this camp. We were leaving a pizza place -- most of us in a van and Pat McCarty in his rental car with his girlfriend Tammy. We kind of were racing out of the parking lot onto the street. Pat blew by us and Tammy was like “see you losers later.” Then the flashing lights came on. We weren't sure who was getting pulled over at first, but it was Pat. The guys in the van busted up laughing. Then, when we got back to the hotel, CV's phone rang. Tammy was crying hysterically saying Pat couldn't pass the breathalizer test and asking what she should do. She got us pretty good -- Pat got off with nothing more than a warning.

Dave Z.

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