Thursday, October 4, 2007

Chris Lieto Checks In From Kona

Today was time to get down to business. I am 10 days out from the race and I always like to do some harder threshold and Vo2 max efforts to open my body up and push my threshold up a little more. 10 days out has always been a good time frame for my body to respond well and recover in plenty of time for the race. The workout started with a 2:30 bike ride with a couple 2 min Vo2 efforts and then 3 x 10 minutes at threshold effort. I got to test out my new Aeolus 6.5 wheel with the wireless 2.4 PowerTap hub. Watts were good and it was a great testing point for me and my new products. I felt good out there with the company of my brother Matt to keep me honest and motivated. The weather is warm, but I feel great in this temperature. The 3 weeks I spent here last month has definitely paid off. I followed up the bike with a 30 minute run at race pace. Overall the mornings workouts were very successful.

Later in the day we will go for a good swim in the ocean. The key to the swim will be a couple solid 800 meter efforts. I always look forward to swimming in the ocean so I know it will be a very enjoyable swim.

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