Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Alberto Contador's Daily Stage Report

Contador was philosophical about today’s stage. “The best thing is that I’ve been able to do well in the mountains. There were only seven ahead of me, and I was feeling good. The puncture was bad luck, because I think the final kilometers were better for me,” Contador summed it up.

“In the end, I tried to lose as little time as possible. But I can already say that I’ve done a good first week in the Tour and only hope that I don’t choke in the third week, because it’s always a risk.”

If he hadn’t flatted, he says, “I’m sure I would have arrived with the group. What I don’t know is if I could have caught Mayo.”

For Alberto, the strongest men in the race are the ones that stayed ahead of him, but he observes “it’s a sure thing that the ones who are two minutes behind can still catch up. You can’t discount Klöden or Vinokourov, because they have great skills and a very strong team. If they can catch an escape, they can take the leadership.”

About the Galibier stage – the day after the rest day - Contador said, “I think it’s likely that a breakaway will happen, because I don’t know when they’ll lift the tempo since it’s 40 km from the summit to the finish line. Of course, the start will be very aggressive and some people will probably pay for the rest day.”

Alberto’s results

Stage 8 8th 3:31
Young rider 1st 4:53:11

GC 8th 3:10
Young rider 2nd 2:27

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