Saturday, June 30, 2007

Kate Major's Ironman Japan Race Report

Hey Everyone,

Well I am alive!

Not the best day for me yesterday. From the moment I got on the bike i knew something was wrong. My guts weren’t right and it felt like my eyes were going cross-eyed and at time i was hallucinating and dizzy. I could barely take in any nutrition which didn’t help and got off the bike and nearly didn’t make it out of transition. I had a couple of piecs of orange to get some sugar/calories in and thought i would give it a shot and see if i could and gradually felt better but not normal.
I am not sure if i picked something up from the water as it has been raining here all week and maybe some bug got into my stomach but i have never felt like that before and nor do i want to again!!

Even though I wasn’t the feeling the best, the locals came out of their houses and were cheering us on, old ladies with their pots banging them with their wooden spoons, little kids running alongside us, at aid stations they had people pouring buckets of water over athletes' heads and the finish was pretty unique, you run into this castle with these guys playing traditional (huge)drums with lanterns lit, you run over the mote and into that then around the corner and into the school.

Food afterwards-oodon noodles in broth...didn’t think I would want to eat another noodle as long as I lived but after a couple of hours they were good...and Mos Burger for a burger, fries and a vanilla thick shake went down well too:)

Thanks for all your well wishes, we are heading back to the US tomorrow and will be going straight to Oggi's for pizza!!


For more information on Kate visit her site @

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