Monday, May 14, 2007

Macca checks in......

Well it has been 9 years since i spent any solid time here in Boulder and wow has this place changed. I have been here for a little over 1 week now and i am absolutely loving the training here. The last 7 days have been brutal with the Altitude but I am slowly adapting and getting ready to base my season out of here. The weather has been incredible and I have really enjoyed the hospitality of the people around town.

I am racing in Memphis next weekend in a solid olympic distance race before returning here to Boulder to keep the adaption process going. I am actually moving my entire family to the USA now. We have sold our interests in Australia and will be living in the USA for the next 3 years of my career. It is just the easiest option now for us. It is just so difficult to be away from my children and my wife that this is the best option. We have put our house in Australia up for rent and as of mid July this year my entire family will be USA residents. We are all really looking forward to it. We have a really big announcement to make in a couple of weeks which has enabled us to do this and will play out the rest of my career. I am thinking of living in Boulder for the entire 3 years but need to get my wifes approval on the lace when she gets here. We are really looking forward to it, and my duaghter Tahlia is extremely excited about coming to the USA.

Anyway we are settling into Boulder now and the training has been going great. I have some solid work to do but am not getting carried away with the workloads this early in the season. I am really focused on building a huge aerobic engine over the next couple of months and want to focus on my run and really try and post a solid run time in Hawaii this year. I would like to get down below Tim De Booms run course record (on the new course) in Hawaii which is 2:45 and I think if I put together a smart, well executed race this could win me the title. I am sure guys like Norman, Faris, Rutger and Cameron have thier eyes focused on the prize and this will be really good fun this season. I am really looking forward to the races we should have this season. Anyway stay tuned and will keep you all posted. My next race is in Memphis and then onto Honu Half in Hawaii. It sould be fun.



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